Quebec Travel Photo Journal: Day 2 (Borderline Girly)

Aug 19, 2015

Francesca's dress // Topshop sandals // Tommy Hilfiger bag // SunglassSpot sunnies

I come at you again with my second outfit on this second day. I wasn't able to take many photos this time  because it was too damn bright and I couldn't capture the beauty of the Montmorency falls (well, it wasn't that spectacular...I've seen better *cough* Niagra). It was a somewhat less productive day than yesterday but whatever photos I can gather from my SD card will be posted later.

This dress is easily one of my favorites. The simple design, silhouette and white trim shouts girly and feminine and let's just say I cannot wait to go have tea in this dress. It's basically an opportunity to act fancy.

And yes, I am wearing the same sandals as I did in my previous post - I wasn't looking to bring my entire shoe collection but that's what makes these sandals so versatile. 

Man, did I look out of place today hiking to the falls in these bad boys. I looked away as I passed these two girls in their workout gear, their faces glistening with sweat. When they saw me they must've thought, "Where the hell is she going dressed like that? To meet the Queen of England?" Ugh, only in my dreams.

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© Creature in Vogue Maira Gall.