Summer times are a passing - it may be July, but in a quick flash, the page turns to August, then to Septemeber. Summer joys are temporary but when you make them meaningful, they are lasting. I'm so grateful for how my summer has so far turned out - a brief but exciting trip to Hawaii for instance, has fueled my lust to travel and explore more. Another internship, possibly another internship opportunity in the fall. The experience of falling in love. Meeting wonderful people. Missing those wonderful people. Actually committing myself to going to the gym!
I hate to sound like a dreamer or at the very least one of those aloof people with their head in the clouds, but I want to briefly reflect on what has happened over the past few months. It has really set me on a bright and healthy path compared to how I've been feeling in the past year.
There's something I realize about my age and it's simply not just the number, nineteen.
There's something I realize about my age and it's simply not just the number, nineteen.
Nineteen is young.
Nineteen is brave.
Nineteen is a beginning.
Nineteen is a mess, a jumble of dizziness and trying. Always trying.
And nineteen is a blessing.
Love this, and you look adorable xx